Shipping Policy


United States


First class or Priority Mail

3-7 business days


United States Postal Service

US orders shipped through United States Postal Service



Canada Post Mail

3-7 business days


Canada Post

Canadian orders shipped through Canada Post



Standard Intl Air Mail

5-12 business days

Returns & Tracking Info

At Multi Fit Blade of North America our Service Promise states: No Sale will be Final until you the customer are Satisfied with your purchase!

If within 20 days you are unhappy with the quality or performance of the items we offer please contact us. We will work with you to provide a solution which may include product exchange or refund. Learn More

Tracking: All US orders are fully trackable. Larger Canadian orders are trackable and smaller ones have no tracking. International orders are generally shipped with no tracking number.


Multi Fit Blades

1268A Danforth Ave

Toronto, ON M4J1M6

(pickups are no problem)